Teacher Notes

Classifying Living Things

Super Value Kit

Materials Included In Kit

Organism cards, set of 60, 5

Safety Precautions

Although materials in this activity are considered nonhazardous, please follow all normal laboratory safety procedures. Remind students to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory.

Teacher Tips

  • Enough materials are given for a class of 30 students working in pairs or 15 students working individually. All materials are reusable.

  • Depending on the level of your students, you may want to share with them that the primary focus of taxonomy today, called Phylogeny or Phylogenetics, is to try to more accurately reflect every organism’s evolutionary heritage and link all organisms within specific groups to a common ancestor. Doing so, however, creates a few problems when using the names from the Linnaean system of classification. For example, if all organisms currently referred to as Reptiles (Reptilia), are reptiles because of certain distinguishing characteristics, should birds continue to be classified separately, as they are now, in the class Aves? If so, what did the common ancestor of all birds look like? How does one explain reptilian characteristics in birds, such as scales on the legs? Fossil evidence seems to indicate that birds have reptilian characteristics because reptiles and birds share a common ancestry. Therefore, as a class name, Reptilia is only valid as an indicator of evolutionary relationships between reptiles if birds are included. Otherwise, a new name and perhaps more defined characteristics that effectively exclude birds must be used.
  • Help students to understand that just because birds are endothermic and have a four-chambered heart, and reptiles are ectothermic and have a three-chambered heart, it should not be assumed that birds are “more anatomically advanced.” Explain that they gradually evolved over time from a common ancestor and that evolution should not be viewed as a “ladder of progression,” with organisms changing over time from “lower” to “higher” forms of life.
  • Additional copies of the Organism Data Tables may be made if additional organisms are going to be classified by each student group.
  • Taxonomy is in dynamic flux as more DNA and RNA sequencing is completed. Many taxonomists are moving away from the three domain/six kingdom system to a 3 domain/60–80 kingdom system. We decided to retain the simpler classification scheme for the academic level of the classrooms that typically use this kit.

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Developing and using models
Constructing explanations and designing solutions

Disciplinary Core Ideas

MS-LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
HS-LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and system models

Performance Expectations

MS-LS2-1: Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem.
MS-LS2-2: Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems.

Answers to Questions

  1. List two similarities and two differences between the creatures found in Domain Archaea and Domain Bacteria?

    Answers may include similarities like: single cells, no nuclei, asexual reproduction; differences may include: Archaea thrive in environments that are extremely salty, acidic, hot, anaerobic, etc. Bacteria may make their own food or acquire it from other things (decomposers); live as single cells, chains or clumps or as colonies of cells.

  2. Which Kingdom(s) include creatures that are all multicellular—meaning composed of more than one cell? Write the names of specific examples.

    Answers should include the Kingdoms Animalia and Plantae. Examples could include moose and corn.

  3. Which Domains include creatures that are all unicellular—meaning composed of only one cell? Write the names of specific examples.

    Answers should include the Domains Archaea and Bacteria. (Although the Domain Bacteria includes the cyanobacteria that can grow in large, visible mats over a pond’s surface, blue-green algae are still considered unicellular, even if the cells exist normally in colonial form.) Examples include Bacillus subtillis and Thermus aquaticus.

  4. Which Kingdom(s) include creatures that may be multicellular and unicellular and may be microscopic or visible? Write the names of specific examples of visible multicellular organisms and unicellular microscopic organisms.

    Answer should be Kingdom Protista. An example of a visible multicellular organism could be slime mold; an example of a unicellular, microscopic organism could be a paramecium.

  5. All living creatures get energy either as heterotrophs (they feed on others) or as autotrophs meaning “self-feeders” (they make their own food). Which Kingdom(s) of creatures contain only heterotrophs? Write the names of specific examples.

    Answers should be the Kingdoms Animalia and Fungi. Examples could include: spiders and mushrooms.

  6. Which Kingdom(s) contain only autotrophs? Write the names of specific examples.

    Answers should include the Kingdom Plantae. Examples could include African violet and blue spruce.

  7. Which Kingdom(s) contain creatures that can get energy by either method? Write the names of specific examples.

    Answers should include the Kingdom Protista. Euglenais the best example.

  8. Based on the method of getting energy, which Kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered decomposers and assist in recycling nutrients within a given community of organisms?

    Answers should include the Kingdom Fungi.

  9. Based on the method of getting energy, which Kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered producers and be the base of any food web or chain within a given community of organisms?

    Answers should include the Kingdom Plantae.

  10. Based on the method of getting energy, which Kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered consumers within a given community of organisms?

    Answer should be the Kingdom Animalia. In addition, many creatures, like amoeba, within the Kingdom Protista are consumers.

Domain Archaea

Domain Summary

Unicellular or colonial organisms without a nucleus, membrane bound organelles, cilia, or eukaryotic flagella

Autotrophs, absorptive-heterotrophic, mutualistic, commensalistic or decomposers

Tolerate harsh environments such as volcanic vents, extreme salty soil or water, and acidic environments

Some metabolic pathways similar to Eukarya

Asexual reproduction via binary fission, fragmentation, or budding

Do not form spores

Cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan, chitin, or cellulose

Unique composition of cell membrane

Gram negative

Card NumberOrganism NamePhylum Name and FeaturesGroup Name and Features
34 Methanococcus voltae


Extremely Halophilic, Methanogenic, Acidophilic, Thermophilic



Produce methane

56 Halobacterium salinarum


Extremely Halophilic, Methanogenic, Acidophilic, Thermophilic



Reddish hue

Does not produce methane

54 Sulfolobus acidocaldarius


Hyperthermophilic, Cryophiles

Most lack histones


Oxidize sulfur; Acidic hot areas with sulfur present

Domain Bacteria

Domain Summary

Unicellular or colonial organisms without a nucleus, membrane bound organelles, cilia, or eukaryotic flagella

Photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs, absorptive-heterotrophs, mutualists, commensalists or decomposers.

Genes contained within plasmids

Asexual reproduction via binary fission, fragmentation, or budding

Do not form spores

Cell walls are present although some have a cell membrane (envelope) surrounding the cell wall

Cell walls contain peptidoglycan

Card NumberOrganism NamePhylum Name and Features
2 Oscillatoria chalybea


Aquatic – freshwater


Filamentous blue-green colonies

4 Anabaena aequalis


Aquatic – freshwater and marine


Filamentous threads

Symbiotic or free-living

Produce neurotoxins

6 Escherichia coli


Gram negative rods

Strains can be mutualistic, commensalistic, parasitic, or free-living

Outer membrane mostly composed of lipoglycans

Domain Eukarya

Domain Summary

Unicellular, multicellular, or colonial organisms with nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Autotrophic or heterotrophic

Genes contained within chromosomes

Asexual or sexual reproduction

Able to form spores

Some with cell walls, some without

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Summary

Unicellular or multicellular without specialized tissues or unicellular colonies

No complex development from embryos or seeds

Asexual reproduction via binary fission; a few species capable of sexual reproduction

Card NumberOrganism NameSubkingdom Name and FeaturesPhylum Name and Features
3 Amoeba




No cell wall

Able to move via pseudopods, eukaryote flagella, or cilia

Can survive for long periods as dormant cysts


Move via pseudopods

No definite shape

Ingestive heterotroph – phagocytosis

May be commensalistic, parasitic or free-living

12 Brown algae


Multicellular, unicellular or colonial

Cell wall

Photoautotroph with photosynthesis within chloroplasts


Multicellular with holdfasts, stipe, and blades

Alternation of generations

Cellulose and alginate cell wall


19 Diatoms


Multicellular, unicellular or colonial

Cell wall

Photoautotroph with photosynthesis within chloroplasts


Unicellular or colonies

Silica cell wall

Cell wall forms in two halves that fit together

Either radial or bilateral symmetry

Golden in color

21 Euglena




No cell wall

Able to move via pseudopods, eukaryote flagella, or cilia

Can survive for long periods as dormant cysts


Move via eukaryote flagella

Also photoautotroph with photosynthesis within chloroplasts

Have eyespot

37 Paramecium




No cell wall

Able to move via pseudopods, eukaryote flagella, or cilia

Can survive for long periods as dormant cysts


Move via cilia

Ovoid, slipper-shaped organism

Capture food using trichocysts

49 Plasmodial Slime Mold


Chitin cell wall

Absorptive heterotroph – decomposer

Slime Mold

Move via pseudopods

Haploid single cells or as merged super-cells with thousands of diploid nuclei

Yellow irregular shaped patch of "slime"

58 Volvox


Multicellular, unicellular or colonial

Cell wall

Photoautotroph with photosynthesis within chloroplasts


Green in color

Cellulose cell wall

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Summary

Unicellular or multicellular without specialized tissues or unicellular colonies

Absorptive heterotrophs – decomposer or symbiotic

Chitin cell wall

Able to form spores when environmental conditions deteriorate

Alternation of generations with most of life in haploid state

Asexual and (most) sexual reproduction

Asexual spores produced in sporangia

Card NumberOrganism NamePhylum Name and Features
33 Common Mold


No septa separating individual cells within each hyphae


Sexual spores produced in zygosporangia

Parasitic or free living

Mat of dark brown, black, or green thread-like hyphae called a mycelium

Most of life cycle in haploid state

39 Yellow Morel


Septa separate individual cells within each hyphae

Sexual spores produced in sac-like asci

Mushroom-shaped body is composed of numerous fused ascocarp resulting in a honeycomb-like texture

40 Button Mushroom


Septa separate individual cells within each hyphae

Sexual spores produced in club shaped basidium on gills on the underside of the cap

Mushroom-shaped body composed of numerous filamentous hyphae

Pale gray-brown cap with numerous flat scales

Numerous dark brown gills on the underside of the cap

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Summary


Have specialized tissues; may have organs or organ systems

Photoautotroph in chloroplasts

Cellulose cell wall, large central vacuole, and plasmodesmata

Alternation of generations

Asexual and sexual reproduction

Card NumberOrganism NameSubkingdom Name and FeaturesPhylum Name and Features
25 Haircap moss

Non-vascular plant

No vascular tissue or wood for support


No cones, no seeds, no flowers

Mat of green, thread-like filaments

Alternation of generations with most of life in haploid state

22 Fern


Vascular tissue present but not in bundles


No cones, no seeds, no flowers

Green, soft leaves with drooping long, thin leaflets emanating from center "stem"

True leaves present

16 Cycas circinalis


Reproduction via naked seeds

Vascular tissue present


Reproduction via naked seeds enclosed in cones

Separate sexes

Motile pollen

Evergreen tree

Appearance of leaves similar to the unrelated palm trees (pinnate compound leaves)

24 Ginkgo Tree


Reproduction via naked seeds

Vascular tissue present


Reproduction via naked seeds enclosed in a fleshy outer coat

Separate sexes

Motile pollen

Deciduous tree

Fan-shaped, bi-lobed leaves

Vascular tissues continuously divide in two

Deep roots

57 Blue Spruce


Reproduction via naked seeds

Vascular tissue present


Only tracheids and sieve cells present in vascular tissue

Coniferous evergreen tree

Thin scaly bark on trunk

Green or bluish needle-like leaves

Reproduction via naked seeds enclosed in cones

Produce both pollen cones and seed cones

Pollen not motile

Evergreen tree

15 Zea mays


Reproduction via enclosed seeds

Flowers present

Vascular bundles present


Male and female occur as separate parts on one plant

Embryo with single cotyledon

Flower parts in multiples of three

Leaf veins are parallel to each other

Stem vascular bundles scattered

Fibrous roots with vascular bundles in a ring

1 African Violet


Reproduction via enclosed seeds

Flowers present

Vascular bundles present


Embryo with two cotyledons

Flower parts in multiples of four or five

Leaf veins form interlocking net

Stem vascular bundles in a ring

Deep roots with central vascular bundle

8 Barrel Cactus


Reproduction via enclosed seeds

Flowers present

Vascular bundles present


Embryo with two cotyledons

Flower parts in multiples of four or five

Leaf veins form interlocking net

Stem vascular bundles in a ring

Deep roots with central vascular bundle

31 White Oak


Reproduction via enclosed seeds

Flowers present

Vascular bundles present


Embryo with two cotyledons

Flower parts in multiples of four or five

Leaf veins form interlocking net

Stem vascular bundles in a ring

Deep roots with central vascular bundle

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Summary


Have specialized cells; most have tissues, organs or organ systems

Most are ingestive heterotrophs

No cells walls or chloroplasts

May have asexual and sexual reproduction or only sexual reproduction

Most have flagellated sperm

Embryos pass through blastula stage

Card NumberOrganism NamePhylum and Subphylum Name and FeaturesClass Name and Features
52 Calcite Sponge


Specialized cells

Cells can transform into other types of specialized cells

Amorphous symmetry


Filter feeders


Asexual and sexual reproduction


Spicules made out of calcium carbonate

5 Sea Anemone


Simple organ systems present

Radial symmetry


Asexual and sexual reproduction

Some separate sexes, some hermaphrodites

Have specialized cells that fire venomous whip-like structures called cnidocysts


No medusa stage

Larva are sessile

Adults are sessile

60 Hydra


Simple organ systems present

Radial symmetry


Asexual and sexual reproduction

Some separate sexes, some hermaphrodites

Have specialized cells that fire venom containing whip-like structures called cnidocysts


Asexual polyp stage

Sexual medusa stage (absent in freshwater species)

Polyp attaches to substrate via basal disc

11 Brittle Star


Organ systems present

Radial symmetry


Asexual via fragmentation; Sexual via external fertilization of gametes; Separate sexes

Single oral opening

Water vascular system present

Able to regenerate


5 thin arms emanating from a central disk

53 Sea Star


Organ systems present

Radial symmetry


Asexual via fragmentation; Sexual via external fertilization of gametes; Separate sexes

Single oral opening

Water vascular system present

Able to regenerate


5 or more thick arms emanating from a central disk

Bumps and spines on the surface opposite the oral opening

46 Sea Urchin


Organ systems present

Radial symmetry


Asexual via fragmentation; Sexual via external fertilization of gametes; Separate sexes

Single oral opening

Water vascular system present

Able to regenerate


Spiny, globular body

Move using tube feet

26 Horseshoe Crab


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Chelicerata

Class Xiphorsura

2 part body plus a tail (telson)

4 pairs of walking legs

Respiration via gill books

Can regenerate

45 Scorpion


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Chelicerata

Class Arachnida

2 part body

4 pairs of walking appendages

Respiration via book lungs


51 Spider


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Chelicerata

Class Arachnida

2 part body

4 pairs of walking appendages

Respiration via book lungs

Produce silk

35 Millipede


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Unirama

Class Diplopoda

3 part body with 11 or more segments

Round body shape

Breathe through spiracle holes in exoskeleton

1 pair of antenna

2 pairs of walking legs per segment

18 Centipede


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Unirama

Class Chilopoda

3 part body with 15 or more segments

Breathe through spiracle holes in exoskeleton

Flattened-round body shape

1 pair of antenna

1 pair of walking legs per segment

3 part body with 15 or more segments

13 Monarch Butterfly


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Unirama

Class Insecta

3 part body

3 pairs of jointed legs

Breathe through spiracle holes in exoskeleton

1 pair of antenna


59 Grasshopper


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Unirama

Class Insecta

3 part body

3 pairs of jointed legs

Breathe through spiracle holes in exoskeleton

1 pair of antenna

17 Daphnia


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Branchiopoda

3 part segmented body

2 pair of antenna

5 pairs of jointed legs

Respiration via gills attached to legs

27 Isopod


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Malacostraca

3 part segmented body

Rounded body shape

2 pairs of antenna

7 pairs of jointed legs

Respiration via gills attached to legs

32 Lobster


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Malacostraca

3 part segmented body

Rounded body shape

2 pairs of antenna

10 pairs of jointed legs

Respiration via gills attached to legs

14 Copepod


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry


Separate mouth and anus

Jointed appendages

No jaws

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Copepoda

3 part segmented body with a bowling pin shape

2 pair of antenna—one long pair and one short pair

20 Earthworm


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

No skeleton

Round body with many repeating segments

Separate mouth and anus

Able to regenerate posterior segments


Prostonium on first segment

4 setae (hairs) on each segment

5 aortic arches function as heart

No brain

42 Planaria


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Flattened body with no body cavity

No respiratory or circulatory systems


Not parasitic

Two eyespots

Able to regenerate

Body not segmented

55 Tapeworm


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Flattened body with no body cavity

No respiratory or circulatory systems


Internal parasites

Scolex to attach to host

Most of body is composed of numerous repeating proglottids that have both male and female reproductive organs

50 Snail


Organ systems present

Body with head, foot, and visceral mass

Mantle present

Body cavity present


Distinct head region

Simple eyes

Eat using radula

Most have single external shell

Body undergoes torsion

Olfactory organs located on head tentacles

44 Scallop


Organ systems present

Body with head, foot, and visceral mass

Mantle present

Body cavity present


2 part hinged external shell

Filter feeder

Head and foot present in larva only

36 Squid


Organ systems present

Body with head, foot, and visceral mass

Mantle present

Body cavity present


Tentacles with suckers

Complex eyes and brain

Skin that is able to change color

Most have no external shell

Many have flexible internal shell (pen)

Muscular body

29 Lancelet


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Cephalochordata

Class Leptocardia

Simple brain

Poorly developed sense organs

Cartilage skeleton

No scales or paired fins

Respiration via gills


28 Lamprey


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Agnatha

Vertebra and skull made of cartilage

No paired fins

No jaws

Complex brain

2 chambered heart

Smooth skin without scales

Respiration via gills


48 Shark


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Chondrichthyes

Vertebra and skull made of cartilage

Paired fins and nares

2 chambered heart

Complex brain

Skin with placoid scales

Respiration via gills


30 Largemouth Bass


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Osteichthyes

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Paired fins and nares

2 chambered heart

Complex brain

Skin with scales

Respiration via gills


47 Sea Horse


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Osteichthyes

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Paired fins and nares

2 chambered heart

Complex brain

Skin with scales

Respiration via gills


23 Leopard Frog


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Amphibia

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

3 chambered heart

Smooth skin without scales

Respiration via lungs


Juveniles undergo metamorphosis from aquatic form to terrestrial form

43 Python


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Aves

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

3 chambered heart

Skin with scales

Respiration via lungs

Lay soft shelled eggs


7 Bald Eagle


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Aves

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

4 chambered heart

Respiration via lungs

Beak with no teeth



Lay hard shelled eggs


41 Ring-necked Pheasant


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Aves

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

4 chambered heart

Respiration via lungs

Beak with no teeth



Lay hard shelled eggs


9 Indiana Bat


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Mammalia

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

4 chambered heart

Skin with hair

Respiration via lungs

Mammary glands


10 Grizzly Bear


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Mammalia

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

4 chambered heart

Skin with hair

Respiration via lungs

Mammary glands


38 Moose


Organ systems present

Bilateral symmetry

Separate mouth and anus

Head, trunk, and tail regions

Dorsal nerve cord surrounded by notochord

Pharyngeal slits

Post-anal tail

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Mammalia

Vertebra and skull made of bone

Complex brain

4 chambered heart

Skin with hair

Respiration via lungs

Mammary glands


Student Pages

Classifying Living Things


Imagine being hired by a large grocery store to come in after closing and put everything that had been delivered by truck during the day on the shelves. How easy would it be to accomplish that task if no signs were over the aisles identifying which items were in each aisle? Imagine discovering an organism that has never been seen before by scientists! How easy would it be to give it a name and put it in its proper “place,” if the visible characteristics of other organisms were not available as a comparison to help identify this new organism?


  • Classification
  • Scientific names
  • Binomial nomenclature


How does one keep track of and name the millions of different species found on the Earth today? As far back as Aristotle (384–322 bc) 2000 years ago, people have attempted to organize living organisms into separate and distinct categories using visible characteristics, most notably the structure of the organism’s body.

However, no uniform system of classification existed until a Swedish naturalist named Carolus Linneaus (1707–1778) devised a simple system based on the form and structure of organisms. The Linnaean system involves giving every organism two “scientific names”—a genus and a species name—with both names being Latin. This practice is known as binomial nomenclature, which means two names. When written, the first letter of the genus name is always capitalized and the entire species name is always written in lowercase. When seen in written form, both names are either underlined or written in italics. Using the system created by Linneaus, all organisms are placed into one of several broad, and general categories. As detailed characteristics of each organism are identified, the categories become more narrowly defined and exclusive until the specific organism’s genus and species name is determined.

There are eight major taxonomic groups in use today: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. This is an active system in which organisms can be moved to a better-fitting subgroup based on new research. Due to new information gathered from techniques and procedures not known or available 30 years ago, many taxonomists have now identified three domains into which all currently discovered organisms may be placed. These domains include: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya.

Experiment Overview

Using dichotomous keys, written information and prior knowledge, students will place creatures into the correct Kingdoms and Phylums using the identifiable characteristics of cell type, body organization, method of reproduction and process of obtaining energy. In addition, the Class names of a number of creatures will be revealed using more detailed characteristics.


Key to the Domains of Life
Keys to the Kingdoms
Organism cards, 10
Organism Data Tables

Safety Precautions

Although materials in this activity are considered nonhazardous, please follow all normal classroom safety procedures.


  1. Obtain 10 organism cards from the instructor.
  2. Begin with one of the 10 organism cards. Use the Key to the Domains of Life to determine the correct domain for the organism. Record the description for that domain on the appropriate Organism Data Table.
  3. After the first organism’s domain is identified, use the appropriate Key to the Kingdom to find the Kingdom, phylum and class (as needed). Example: If the first organism card is an earthworm, use the Key to the Kindom Animalia and work through the dichotomous key to find the earthworm’s phylum (and class, if so directed). Record the information on the appropriate Organism Data Table.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the other given 9 organism cards. Note: There are locations on each Organism Data Table for several organisms. The Domain and Kingdom Summary only needs to be filled out once.
  5. If time allows, when all the forms have been completed for the first 10 organism cards, request another set of cards from the instructor and follow steps 2–4 with the new set of cards.
  6. Return all cards to the instructor and answer the Post-Lab Questions.

Post-Lab Questions

Apply the knowledge and information just learned and written down to answer the following questions. Write all answers on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. List two similarities and two differences between the creatures found in Domain Archaea and Domain Bacteria.
  2. Which kingdom(s) include creatures that are all multicellular—meaning composed of more than one cell? Write the names of specific examples.
  3. Which kingdom(s) include creatures that are all unicellular—meaning composed of only one cell? Write the names of specific examples.
  4. Which domains include creatures that may be multicellular and unicellular and may be microscopic or visible? Write the names of specific examples of visible multicellular organisms and unicellular microscopic organisms.
  5. All living creatures get energy either as heterotrophs (they feed on others) or as autotrophs (they make their own food). Which kingdom(s) of creatures contain only heterotrophs? Write the names of specific examples.
  6. Which kingdom(s) contain only autotrophs? Write the names of specific examples.
  7. Which kingdom(s) contain creatures that can get energy by either method? Write the names of specific examples.
  8. Based on the method of getting energy, which kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered decomposers and assist in recycling nutrients within a given community of organisms?
  9. Based on the method of getting energy, which kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered producers and be the base of any food web or chain within a given community of organisms?
  10. Based on the method of getting energy, which kingdom(s) of creatures would be considered consumers within a given community of organisms?

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