Product Details
Standards-aligned, Flinn’s 360Science: Carbon Dioxide and its Role in Climate kit presents the essential concepts of Greenhouse effect, atmospheric gases, and climate change through hands-on science activities designed to engage all your students, regardless of level. Students will draw correlations between excess CO2 and climate change as they observe the temperature in the experimental bottle (with effervescent [carbon] tablets added) will increase at a faster rate than the control bottle with ambient air. They will learn the limitations of small-scale climate change experiments. Teachers can extend learning through guided inquiry into associated phenomena including, “What are the causes of and possible solutions to climate change?”
This kit also includes access to both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to ensure students better understand the concepts and the lab they are about to conduct. Designed to enhance comprehension, these technology-based simulations, in combination with the hands-on lab, will help your students achieve deeper understandings of complex processes.
Our 1-year option provides access to all digital content for one year plus lab supplies for a single class of 30 students. Our 3-year option extends access to digital content to three years, with a 30% discount on refill supply kits years 2 and 3.
What is 360Science?
360Science is just one of the powerful learning pathways accessed via PAVO, Flinn’s award-winning gateway to standards-aligned science paired with engaging hands-on learning. We’ve made it easier to provide personalized instruction while delivering the kind of lab experiences your students truly need. These comprehensive learning solutions bring science to life by giving you all the tools you need to incorporate more (and more effective) hands-on learning in your classroom or lab. 360Science allows you to provide your students with the support they need to make real-world connections to key scientific principles and help make those abstract concepts concrete.
360Science labs provide four pre-written (and editable) lab options to allow you to meet the needs of all your students.
Short-on-time Inquiry labs streamline activities, while retaining core concepts, so they can be completed within a shortened class period (approx. 30 minutes on average.)
Guided Inquiry Labs include additional detailed procedures for students and are designed for a standard class period, approximately 50 minutes.
Open Inquiry Labs are intended for students who can work more independently and allow students to take ownership of their work. These labs take approximately 50-90 minutes to complete.
Advanced Inquiry Labs build on previous labs, adding a new challenge and are designed around student exploration. These Labs are intended to be completed within 60-90 minutes.
360Science enables student-driven, blended learning combined with leveled lab instructions that support prescriptive, guided- and open-inquiry lab exercises (see PDF resource for specific details) that include robust digital content, such as videos and carefully curated Open Educational Resources (OER)—along with virtual reality and simulation exercises.
From editable, digital instructions to assessments and alignment with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we have everything you need to improve mastery, remove the intimidation factor and foster your students’ natural curiosity.