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Use the 4 labs in this 360Storyline to lead students to a written understanding/working model of elements and why they are rarely found in their pure form.
Key Concepts
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A 360Storyline is a collection of experiments that together let students engage in science in an authentic manner through the use of relevant phenomena. Each experiment in a 360Storyline builds on things learned in the preceding experiments until students develop a final, working explanation or model of the phenomenon. Every lab in any 360Storyline is completely editable and supported by videos and simulations.
Pure Elements
Lead students to a written understanding/working model of elements and why they are rarely found in their pure form. By developing their own periodic table and seeing how the elements have predictable periodic trends, students gain a deeper understanding of the natural world. In their final activity, students use the knowledge they have gained throughout this storyline to plan and conduct an investigation and use their results to make predictions about other compounds.
What Students Do
Lab 1—Develop a Periodic Table
Students use colored plastic farm animals to stimulate discussion on how items might be classified and sorted. The analogy is then extended to sorting elements by their properties into a periodic table.
Lab 2—Elemental Metals, Nonmetal and Metalloids
Students examine samples of pure elements and record their observations.
Lab 3—Periodic Trends and Properties
Students carry out investigations to qualitatively determine the activity and solubility of various group II metals and their salts.
Lab 4—Gravimetric Analysis of Periodic Trends
Students carry out an investigation to quantitatively determine the solubility of sodium halide salts in methanol. They use their results to make a prediction about the solubility of sodium fluoride.
About 360Storylines
A 360Storyline is a collection of experiments that together let students engage in science in an authentic manner through the use of relevant phenomena. Each experiment in a 360Storyline builds on things learned in the preceding experiments until students develop a final, working explanation or model of the phenomenon. Every lab in any 360Storyline is completely editable and supported by videos and simulations.
Students must drive the learning forward by developing procedures and asking questions. Each storyline is supported by editable documents that force students to think about how the data they collect relate to an individual experiment’s investigative phenomenon and how the data they collect in a series of labs relate to a broader, anchoring phenomenon.
1-Year Access
HS-PS1-1: Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.
HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.