Price: $987.00
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The Orion Lab Star™ Advanced Benchtop pH Meter Kit is specifically designed for use in a busy laboratory. The benchtop design is durable, easy-to-operate and gives stable and accurate pH readings—perfect for students.
Orion Lab Star™ pH meter, highly respected in research and industry, in a model specifically designed for use in a busy classroom! The benchtop design is durable, easy-to-operate and gives stable and accurate pH readings—perfect for students.
Features and Specifications:
Simultaneously read pH, mV and temperature
• Measure –2.000 to +18.000 pH, ±2000.0 mV, –5.0 to +105.0°C (+23.0 to +221.0°F)
• Perform one- to five-point pH calibrations
• Calibrate using automatic buffer recognition or manual entry within the same calibration
• Complete one-point ORP calibration using a custom or Orion ORP standard
• View an electrode condition icon to determine the status of your pH electrode
• Review pH, ORP and temperature calibration logs with date and time stamps
Instrument comes complete with meter with electrode stand, computer cable, and universal power adapter, refillable epoxy-body pH/ATC electrode, pH buffer and solution kit.