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Characteristics of Protists—Student Laboratory Kit

By: The Flinn Staff

Item #: FB1929 

Price: $78.75

In Stock.

In the innovative Characteristics of Protists Animal Behavior Laboratory Kit for biology and life science, explore the diverse microscopic world of protists.

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Product Details

Explore the diverse microscopic world of protists with this innovative lab activity. The diversity of the Protista kingdom is represented by EuglenaParameciumAmoeba, diatoms and colonial Volvox. Students begin the laboratory with a detailed study of stained, prepared microscope slides. Once students have mastered the morphology and internal features of each type of protist, they capture live specimens from aqueous cultures. The students discover the characteristics of these living specimens as they twirl, ooze, dart or roll through the field of view of a compound microscope! Finally, students stain the living specimens to observe the major external and internal features that are revealed as the biological stain permeates the cell and organelle membranes. Includes one prepared slide each of EuglenaParameciumAmoeba, diatoms and Volvox plus depression slides, methylene blue stain and methyl cellulose. 

Complete for 30 students working in pairs. Compound microscopes and live cultures are required and available separately.


Materials Included in Kit: 
Methyl cellulose solution, aqueous, 3%, 20 mL
Methylene blue solution, 1%, 20 mL
Depression slide, single cavity, 15
Pipet, Beral-type, graduated, 30
Slide, amoeba proteus, w.m.
Slide container
Slide, diatoms-freshwater, w.m.
Slide, Euglena, w.m.
Slide, paramecium caudatum, w.m.
Slide, volvox, sec.
Toothpicks, wood, box/250

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Engaging in argument from evidence

Disciplinary Core Ideas

MS-LS1.A: Structure and Function
HS-LS1.A: Structure and Function

Crosscutting Concepts

Structure and function

Performance Expectations

MS-LS1-1. Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells
MS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.
MS-LS4-2. Apply scientific ideas to construct an explanation for the anatomical similarities and differences among modern organisms and between modern and fossil organisms to infer evolutionary relationships.