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Electrochemistry Target Lab—Wet/Dry Inquiry Lab for One Period

By: The Flinn Staff

Item #: AP9729 

Price: $126.05

In Stock.

Can you build a battery of a specific voltage? See how close your battery is to the target! In this stimulating lab, students will first create a half cell reduction potential data table. Then, using the table, students will be challenged to make a battery of a specific voltage. Study Big Ideas 1, 3 and 6 with this fun lab!

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Product Details

Can you build a battery of a specific voltage? See how close your battery is to the target! In this stimulating lab, students will first create a half cell reduction potential data table. Then, using the table, students will be challenged to make a battery of a specific voltage. Study Big Ideas 1, 3 and 6 with this fun lab! Complete for 24 students working in pairs.


Materials Included in Kit:
Iron(III) nitrate solution, 1.0 M, 100 mL
Lead foil, 3" x 12"
Lead nitrate solution, 1 M, 100 mL
Magnesium metal ribbon, 1" pieces, pkg/15
Magnesium nitrate solution, 1.0 M, 100 mL
Potassium nitrate solution, 1.0 M, 100 mL, 2
Silver foil, 5 g
Silver nitrate solution, 1.0 M, 100 mL
Zinc metal strips, pkg/5, 2
Zinc nitrate solution, 1.0 M, 100 mL

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Boards, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Asking questions and defining problems
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Obtaining, evaluation, and communicating information

Disciplinary Core Ideas

HS-PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
HS-PS1.B: Chemical Reactions
HS-PS2.B: Types of Interactions
HS-PS3.A: Definitions of Energy
HS-PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
HS-PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes
HS-ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
HS-ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and effect
Scale, proportion, and quantity
Systems and system models
Energy and matter
Structure and function
Stability and change

Performance Expectations

HS-PS1-1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.
HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
HS-PS1-7. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
HS-PS3-1. Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known.
HS-PS3-3. Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.
HS-PS3-5. Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction.
HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.