Separation and Qualitative Determination of Cations and Anions—Classic Lab Kit for AP® Chemistry
By: The Flinn Staff
Item #: AP6453
Price: $110.59
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With the Separation and Qualitative Determination of Cations and Anions Classic Lab Kit for AP* Chemistry, students perform lab techniques associated with qualitative analysis and determine the presence of cations and anions in samples.
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Product Details
Classic AP Requirement #14—Separation and Qualitative Analysis of Cations and Anions
Students analyze two solution sets of four cations and four anions. For each set, a specific qualitative scheme is followed to separately detect each of the four ions present. Students are then given two unknown solution sets to analyze. By following the qualitative schemes, students determine which cations and anions are present and which are absent from the two samples. Four to five 50-minute lab sessions will be needed to complete all four sets of analyses.
Complete for 24 students working in pairs.
Separation and Qualitative Determination of Cations and Anions Inquiry Guidance & AP* Chemistry Curriculum Alignment Transition Guide available! Follow the link in Resources to find this valuable publication that lets you adapt this classic AP Chemistry experiment for guided-inquiry and correlate with the AP Chemistry curriculum framework.
Materials Included in Kit:
Acetic acid solution, 6 M, 125 mL
Aluminum, granular, 50 g
Ammonium hydroxide, 6 M, 150 mL
Barium chloride solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Barium hydroxide, 5 g
Copper(II) nitrate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Hydrochloric acid, 6 M, 140 mL
Iron(III) nitrate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Nitric acid solution, 6 M, 125 mL
Potassium ferrocyanide solution, 0.1 M, 140 mL
Potassium thiocyanate solution, 0.1 M, 100 mL
Silver nitrate solution, 0.1 M, 100 mL
Silver nitrate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Sodium carbonate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Sodium chloride solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Sodium hydroxide solution, 6 M, 125 mL
Sodium nitrate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Sodium sulfate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Sulfuric acid solution, 6 M, 125 mL
Zinc nitrate solution, 0.2 M, 100 mL
Pipet, Beral-type, graduated, 120
Additional Materials Required (for each lab group): Beakers (for hot water baths and disposal containers), centrifuges (shared), dropper bottles, hot plates, litmus paper or pH paper, microscope slides, spatula, stirring rod, stoppers to fit test tubes, storage bottle with cap (shared), 13 × 100 mm test tubes, test tube rack, watch glasses.
*Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.
Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)†
Science & Engineering Practices
Asking questions and defining problems
Planning and carrying out investigations
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Analyzing and interpreting data
Engaging in argument from evidence
Disciplinary Core Ideas
HS-PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
HS-PS1.B: Chemical Reactions
Crosscutting Concepts
Scale, proportion, and quantity
Systems and system models
Energy and matter
Cause and effect
Performance Expectations
HS-PS1-1: Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.
HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.