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What Does Science Teaching look like when I Get Back to my School Lab?

December 16, 2020

Come on a tour of the science department and get a feel for what it will look like when you get back into the school.  We will explore some common prep room concerns as a result of an extended school closure, and we will look at how to handle science activities with students, how to disinfect lab equipment, apparatus, tools and materials, and how the instructional models will drive many of the decisions made for science teachers in the coming months.  Teaching science and STEM in a COVID-19 environment will present some challenges and also some opportunities.  Let James Palcik, Director of Education, Safety & Compliance from FLINN take you on a journey through the ‘unknowns’ of being a science educator today and highlight key safety protocols regardless of the teaching/learning modality. 

Originally hosted with NSLEA on Tuesday July 21st as part of their Summer Leadership Institute

Download the presentation slides.