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Owl Pellet Dissection Resource Guide with Online Multimedia Lesson

Item #: AP11659 

Price: $14.95

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Owl Pellet Dissection Resource Guide provides full-color comprehensive instruction on owl pellet dissection and prey identification with additional multimedia lesson for students!

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Product Details

Owls and Owl Pellet Dissection Resource Guide - Print Version provides full-color comprehensive instruction on owl pellet dissection and prey identification.

Features: Self-directed readings, easy-to-follow illustrated explanations, guiding questions, inquiry-based activities, a lab investigation, key vocabulary review and assessment review questions, along with a post-test. 40 pages

Covers the following topics:

  • Owls - birds of prey
  • The barn owl Owl food web
  • All about pellets Rodent identification
  • Vole identification
  • Mole identification
  • Shrew identification
  • Bird identification
  • Dissecting owl pellets lab investigation
  • Virtual lab - Owl pellets
  • Key vocabulary terms
  • Vocabulary review
  • Assessment review
  • Assessment
  • NGSS Correlations

The Multimedia Lesson Provides Unlimited Streaming Access for a full year for all your students on any device! 

Perfect for individual student instruction on any computer and for classroom presentation on any Interactive Whiteboard, each title contains a comprehensive array of multimedia lessons and activities along with an inquiry-based Student Activity Guide –

  • Lesson Presentation – Consists of a series of narrated, visual presentations – each featuring highly-detailed graphics and illuminating animations.
  • Interactive Activities – Includes a variety of interactive whiteboard resources, a virtual lab investigation and a Lab Activity Guide.
  • Visual Resources – Provides additional images as well as the individual graphics from the Lesson Presentation module.
  • Vocabulary – Features an illustrated view of key vocabulary, allowing you to choose any of the terms along with their corresponding images and definitions.
  • Assessment – Consists of a series of assessment/review questions