Parasite, Pathogenic Bacteria and Insect Pests for Veterinary Medicine Slide Set
Item #: ML1486
Price: $290.00
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Study the effects of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and insect pests on the cells, tissues and organs of various animals in this microscope slide set for veterinary medicine.
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Product Details
Study 31 examples of the effects of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and insect pests on the cells, tissues and organs of various animals in this microscope slide set for veterinary medicine. Slide set includes a full-color brochure with corresponding pictures.
• Ascaris lumbricoides, ova in faeces w.m.
• Ascaris megalocephala, roundworm of horses, t.s. of adult female in region of sex organs
• Babesia canis, blood smear shows heavy infection
• Bacillus anthracis, smear from culture
• Bacterium erysipelatos (Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae), smear
• Ctenocephalus canis, male or female specimen w.m.
• Culex pipiens, head and mouth parts of female w.m.
• Cysticercus bovis, bladderworm of Taenia saginata, sec. through beef muscle with parasites in situ
• Dermanyssus gallinae, chicken mite, w.m.
• Dicrocoelium dendriticum (D. lanceolatum), sheep liver fluke, entire mount and stained for internal structures
• Dipylidium caninum, tapeworm of dogs and cats, immature proglottids w.m.
• Echinococcus granulosus, cyst wall and scolices t.s.
• Eimeria stiedae, causing coccidiosis in rabbit, section of liver shows schizogony and all developing stages
• Eimeria tenella, section of diseased chicken intestine
• Fasciola hepatica, ova w.m.
• Hemolytic streptococci, blood poisoning, blood smear
• Hirudo medicinalis, medicinal leech, t.s. through the body for demonstrating general structures of a leech
• Moniezia expansa, tapeworm of sheep, proglottids w.m.
• Musca domestica, house fly, head and mouth parts with sucking tube, w.m.
• Nosema apis, honey bee dysentery, sec. of diseased intestine
• Onchocerca volvulus, sec. through host tissue with tumor containing larvae (filaria)
• Plasmodium cathemerium, avian malaria, blood smear
• Sarcocystis tenella in heart muscle, sec. showing Miescher’s tubes
• Staphylococcus aureus, pus organism, smear from culture
• Taenia pisiformis, gravid proglottids w.m.
• Taenia pisiformis, ova from faeces w.m.
• Toxoplasma gondii, section of the brain showing cysts with parasites
• Trichinella spiralis, section of infected muscle with encysted larvae
• Trichomonas sp., smear with trophozoites
• Trichuris trichiura, whip worm, ova in faeces w.m.
• Varroa, parasitic mite of bees w.m.