Phanerogamae Supplementary Slide Set
Item #: ML1453
Original price: $306.00
Price: $172.13
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Study the botany of seed-bearing plants with the phanerogamae microscope slide sets for biology.
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Product Details
Study the botany of seed-bearing plants with the phanerogamae microscope slide sets. Also known as spermatophytes, these plants have well-developed roots, stems, leaves and vascular systems as well as flowers and fruits. Each slide set includes a full-color brochure with corresponding pictures.
Phanerogamae Supplementary Slide Set includes 50 microscope slides:
• Acorus calamus, sweet flag, rhizome t.s.
• Aleurone grains, t.s. of Ricinus endosperm
• Branched leaf hairs, isolated from Verbascum (mullein)
• Bryonia, stem with sieve plates t.s.
• Calcium oxalate crystals, in w.m. of Allium (onion) dry shell
• Chloroplasts, leaf of Elodea w.m.
• Daucus carota, carrot, storage root t.s.
• Dendrobium, orchid, aerial root with velamen t.s.
• Dionaea, Venus fly trap, leaf with digestive glands t.s.
• Drosera, sundew, insectivorous leaf with glandular hairs w.m.
• Elodea, waterweed, aquatic stem with primitive bundle t.s.
• Fagus, beech, sun and shadow leaves on one slide t.s.
• Fagus, beech, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
• Fat in sec. through endosperm of Corylus (hazel), stained for fat
• Helianthus, sunflower, typical dicot stem t.s.
• Inulin crystals, t.s. of Dahlia tuber
• Juncus, bulrush, stem with internal stellate cells t.s.
• Lactiferous vessels, l.s. through stem of Euphorbia (spurge)
• Lilium, lily, young anthers showing meiosis of pollen mother cells
• Lupinus, lupin, root nodules with nitrogen fixing bacteria t.s.
• Lycopersicum, tomato, young fruit t.s.
• Lysigenous oil glands, t.s. through rind of Citrus fruit
• Nerium, oleander, xeromorphe leaf with sunken stomata t.s.
• Nymphaea, water lily, floating leaf of an aquatic plant t.s.
• Papaver, poppy, flower, t.s. shows floral diagram
• Pelargonium, geranium, young stem of an annual plant t.s.
• Phaseolus, bean, t.s. of pod showing pericarp and seed
• Pinguicula, butterwort, leaf with glandular hairs t.s.
• Pinus, pine, male cone with pollen grains l.s.
• Pinus, pine, mature embryo with endosperm t.s.
• Pinus, pine, older woody root t.s.
• Pinus, pine, older woody stem t.s.
• Pinus, pine, ovule with archegonia l.s.
• Pinus, pine, pollen grains with wings w.m.
• Pinus, pine, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
• Pinus, pine, young female cone with ovules l.s.
• Quercus, oak, older woody root t.s.
• Reserve cellulose, t.s. of Phoenix (date) seed
• Rheum, rhubarb, root with crystals t.s.
• Ribes, currant, stem with phellogen t.s.
• Salvia, sage, square stem with angular collenchyma t.s.
• Smilax, root with thickened endodermis t.s.
• Stem apex and meristematic tissue of Asparagus near median l.s.
• Taraxacum, dandelion, composite flower l.s.
• Tilia, lime, older woody stem t.s. and l.s.
• Tulipa, tulip, ovary t.s. showing arrangement of ovules
• Urtica, stinging nettle, leaf with stinging hairs
• Utricularia, bladderwort, w.m. or section of catching bladders
• Wood cells, macerated and w.m.
• Zea mays, corn, monocot stem with vascular bundles l.s.