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Planaria are the common freshwater representative of the phylum platyhelminthes-the flatworms. Study its regenerative capacity, its response to basic stimuli, and for simple learning experiments.

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Maintain Planaria in dim, diffuse light at 20 to 22 ºC, in a shallow tray or culture dish. Culture in filtered pond or spring water. Feed once a week with pea-sized portions (one piece per 50 Planarians) of fresh beef liver or hard-boiled egg yolk. Remove uneaten food after one or two hours.

Product Details

Brown Planaria (Dugesia tigrina): Hardier and more durable. This is the species for any manipulative study—regenerational or behavioral. Black Planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala): Offered for interspecific comparison with its brown congener. Large and darkly pigmented. Mixed Planaria: A single culture of both species. A convenient option if comparative studies will be performed. The common freshwater representative of the phylum Platyhelminthes—the flatworms. The phylum also includes the medically important parasitic tapeworms and flukes. The flatworms are of anatomical interest for two primary reasons-the development of three distinct germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm), and as examples of the acoelomates (animals lacking a body cavity). Planaria has been widely studied for its regenerative capacity, its response to basic stimuli, and for simple learning experiments. A state permit is required to ship to Alaska and Hawaii.

Item subject to availability.