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Seed Germination Set

By: The Flinn Staff

Item #: FB0584 

Price: $18.05

In Stock [20 pcs available]. To view alternative items others have purchased, please see "Suggested Products" below.

Seed Germination Set for biology and life science is a convenient selection of seeds for germination studies and experiments. Includes two types of dicot seeds and two types of moncot seeds.

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Product Details

A convenient selection of seeds for germination studies and experiments. Includes two types of dicot seeds (radish and pea) and two types of monocot seeds (barley and corn) so students can witness firsthand the developmental differences from seed to young plant.

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Asking questions and defining problems
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluation, and communicating information

Disciplinary Core Ideas

MS-LS1.A: Structure and Function
MS-LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms
MS-LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
MS-LS3.B: Variation of Traits
MS-LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
HS-LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
HS-LS4.C: Adaptation

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and effect
Systems and system models
Structure and function
Stability and change

Performance Expectations

HS-LS4-1. Communicate scientific information that common ancestry and biological evolution are supported by multiple lines of empirical evidence.
HS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection leads to adaptation of populations.
MS-LS1-4. Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively
MS-LS1-5. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.
MS-LS2-4. Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence that changes to physical or biological components of an ecosystem affect populations.
MS-LS3-1. Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic variations of traits in a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and reproducing in a specific environment.