Flinn Scientific is reimagining STEAM with unique standards-aligned solutions that incorporate differentiated digital experiences with hands-on learning grounded in the real world. Our solutions are designed to engage students in any learning environment – remote, hybrid or in school.
You can use your ESSER funds to bring Flinn’s digital solutions to your district to address the impact of COVID-19, including:
Learning Loss
Support for teachers and students during remote instruction
Hybrid learning solutions and lab experiences to ensure uninterrupted learning
Flinn also has solutions to ensure safety in Teaching & Learning - as students return to the classroom - with social distancing, hygiene, safety equipment and PPE resources. See “STEM Essentials Purchase Guide”.
Science2Go offers a new approach to lab education for middle school and high school students allowing them to “do science” in any learning environment without access to supplies.
WhiteBox Learning provides real-world engineering design through 3-D virtual models, unlimited design iterations and an online competition—exposing students to STEM careers.
Flinn 360Science teaches phenomenon with hands-on lab experiences and robust digital content customizable for ALL students. Storyline options are available.
FlinnPREP supports AP® Science students with online courses and inquiry labs aligned to the College Board’s Big Ideas and Learning Objectives. It’s the only AP® solution that relates the labs back to the exam.
Digital Dissection offers a digital lab experience with engaging text, interactive tools, diagrams and video tutorials to use for review or as a stand-alone dissection alternative.
FlinnSTEM is an engaging hands-on learning approach that immerses students in inquiry-based STEM, with digital instruction for in-class and after-school activities.