Materials Included in Kit:
Copper sheet, 3" x 3"
Energy in photons card, 3
Flask form electroscope
Friction pad, wool. 5" x 5"
Rubber rod, 12"
Sandpaper strip, adhesive-backed, 3" x 6"
Zinc foil, 3" x 3"
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Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)†
Science & Engineering Practices
Asking questions and defining problems
Planning and carrying out investigations
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluation, and communicating information
Developing and using models
Disciplinary Core Ideas
HS-PS4.A: Wave Properties
HS-PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation
Crosscutting Concepts
Systems and system models
Performance Expectations
HS-PS4-3. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is more useful than the other.