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Toothpaste Test—Student Laboratory Kit

By: The Flinn Staff

Item #: AP4510 

Price: $56.95

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In the Toothpaste Test Consumer Chemistry Laboratory Kit, students learn about the function of toothpaste and tooth decay. Students determine the abrasiveness, pH, fluoride content and foaming ability of different toothpastes.

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Product Details

Are all toothpastes the same? Students will learn about tooth decay and the function of toothpaste. Students will perform experiments to determine the abrasiveness, pH, fluoride content and foaming ability of five different toothpaste brands. Students will use background and cost/oz information to evaluate the results and to form judgments and conclusions about the effectiveness of each toothpaste. includes detailed Teacher Notes, background information, sample data, helpful tips and reproducible student handouts.

Complete for 24 students working in pairs. Super Value Kit is complete for 5 classes of 30 students working in pairs. Toothpaste samples are not provided.


Materials Included in Kit: 
Alizarin red S solution, 0.1%, 50 mL
Zirconyl chloride solution, 0.1%, 50 mL
Cotton swab, 75
Culture tubes, disposable, 10 x 75 mm, 60
Microscope slides, plastic, 72
Pipet, Beral-type, thin stem, 90
Test paper, dispenser, 6-8 pH, short range

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Analyzing and interpreting data
Engaging in argument from evidence
Developing and using models

Disciplinary Core Ideas

MS-PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
MS-ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
HS-ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
HS-ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
HS-ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and system models
Structure and function

Performance Expectations

MS-ETS1-2: Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
MS-ETS1-3: Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.
HS-PS2-6: Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials.