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All-In-One Science Solution
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Item# AB1405 AB1406 AB1401 AB1400 AB1402 AB1403 AB1404 AB1407 FB1148 FB1464
Type Penicillin G 10 units Streptomycin 10 µg Erythromycin 15 µg Chloramphenicol 30 µg Kanamycin 30 µg Neomycin 30 µg Novobiocin 30 µg Tetracycline 30 µg Blank Sterile Disks Combined Disk Set
Mode of Action Inhibits cell wall synthesis in gram positive bacteria Inhibits protein synthesis in gram negative bacteria Inhibits protein synthesis in gram positive bacteria Inhibits protein synthesis in gram variable bacteria Inhibits protein synthesis in gram negative bacteria Inhibits DNA super-coiling in gram variable bacteria Inhibits cell wall synthesis in gram positive bacteria Inhibits protein synthesis in gram variable bacteria Control various
Intermediate Zone of Inhibition 12–21 mm 12–14 mm 14–17 mm 13–17 mm 14–17 mm 13–16 mm 18–21 mm 15–18 mm None various
Price $17.65 $17.65 $17.32 $17.32 $17.32 $17.50 $17.32 $17.65 $29.10 $100.00
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Product Details

These disks are used to test the effectiveness of particular antimicrobial agents (antibiotics) against specific target organisms. The number given after the name of each agent is the dosage per disk in micrograms. An organism is considered sensitive if the resulting zone of inhibition is greater in diameter than the intermediate range given, and insensitive if less. A quantity of 50 disks is supplied in sterile-packed sleeves. 

Note: Keep refrigerated and use within six months of purchase.


Mode of action: Inhibits cell wall synthesis in gram positive bacteria. Intermediate zone of inhibition in mm: 12–21.