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Flinn Periodic Table, One-Sided Roller-Mounted Chart

By: The Flinn Staff

Item #: AP4530 

Price: $149.94

Temporarily out of stock; call for availability.

The Flinn Periodic Table Chart is a direct result of teacher feedback! We asked the best chemistry teachers for feedback and incorporated their suggestions into a new periodic table! You asked; we delivered!

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Item# AP9020 AP4530 AP9021
Type Notebook Size, Package of 50 One-Sided Roller-Mounted Chart Two-Sided Hanging Wall Chart
Price $32.54 $149.94 $105.06
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Product Details

We asked the country’s best high school chemistry teachers, “What do you want in a periodic table?” We took their suggestions and incorporated them into Flinn’s new two-sided, four-color periodic table.

Teachers asked for a periodic table where the most vital information—atomic number, atomic symbol, name and atomic mass—doesn’t get lost. We accomplished this by grouping this information on one side of each element box. We also included information like melting and boiling points, heat of fusion and vaporization, electronegativity, electron configurations and much more. Teachers also asked us for historical information for each element, common uses to generate student interest, derivation of the name or symbol of each element and abundance of the element in crustal rocks.

The table is available three ways:
• A 58" × 42" two-sided wall chart bound with durable plastic holders with clips (AP9021)—fully updated in 2017 with the four new elements! 
• The front side only of our 58" × 42" periodic table mounted on a spring roller assembly (AP4530).
• A 17" × 11" foldover notebook size (AP9020) fully updated in 2017 with the four new elements—perfect for student use. Packages of 50.


The front side only of our 58" × 42" periodic table mounted on a spring roller assembly.