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FLINNconnect™ is a new program that gives you instructional material aligned to a full year of high school biology along with customizable and downloadable laboratory instructions for 32 experiments. The instructional material covers 20 units and includes text, images, in-unit assessments, end-of-unit assessments, lab videos, concept videos, and animations. Units are factual, concise and interactive with content structured in ideal-sized chunks. Students can use the unit content at their own pace, based on their individual needs.
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FLINNconnect™ is a new program that gives you instructional material aligned to a full year of high school biology along with customizable and downloadable laboratory instructions for 32 experiments. The instructional material covers 20 units and includes text, images, in-unit assessments, end-of-unit assessments, lab videos, concept videos, and animations.
Each unit includes one to two questions that students explore by doing one of the program’s 32 labs. Each lab kit includes the consumable materials, chemicals, and special equipment needed to support 1-2 classrooms of 30 students working in groups of 3-4. You can choose to assign students a single unit or all of the units, and you can edit the content in the units to emphasize the topics you cover and deemphasize the ones you don’t. The units can be used as the primary reference material students use, as a supplement to a textbook, as a supplement to lesson plans you have already built, or as homework. You can view data on strengths and weaknesses by topic for individual students as well as an entire class.
The experiments have been carefully chosen based on how well they align to the main topics of biology and their engagement level. The labs will excite students at the same time they help them understand abstract ideas and the natural world. You can choose to do any single lab, or all of the labs, based on what best suits your curriculum and students.
The 20 units are:
The FlinnConnect Lab Kit Bundle gives you 32 lab kits that include the consumable materials, chemicals, and special equipment needed to perform all 32 experiments with a class of 30 students working in groups of 3-4. Also included is the FREE Digital Courseware (Catalog No. EL0140). The kits include enough materials to perform each experiment 1 to 2 times. You can download student instructions for each lab, customize the lab instructions, and save any edits you make to the labs for later use. Each set of lab instructions includes teacher pages with real data, tips for successful implementation, and safety and disposal instructions. The labs have been carefully chosen based on how well they align to the main topics of chemistry and their engagement level. The labs will excite students at the same time they help them understand abstract ideas and the natural world. Below is a list of the 32 labs, including one fully digital lab, along with a short description of each.
DNA Isolation – Students gather cheek cell samples and then extract the DNA from the cells. They are then able to observe the extracted DNA.
Protein Synthesis – Students create models of mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes then use their models to recreate the process of translation. They must use the genetic code to determine the correct amino acid sequence of their protein.
Gene Expression in Bacteria - In this lab experience, students will experiment with temperature variances as an environmental factor that impacts gene expression in the bacteria Serratia marcescens. Students will also have the opportunity to test the antifungal properties of Serratia marcescens against a common fungus associated with food spoilage, Rhizopus stolonifer.
Understanding Evolutionary Relationships* – Students will become familiar with bioinformatics: the interdisciplinary field of science that integrates biology, computer science, software tools, databases, information engineering, mathematics, and statistics. They will explore the National Center for Biotechnology Information Website and utilize BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). The conservation of the enzyme cytochrome C and its presence in thirteen eukaryotic organisms will be determined.
*Please Note: This lab is fully digital. No physical kit is provided.
Natural Selection – Students model the process of natural selection by assuming the role of predatory birds capturing moths on a simulated dark background. After analyzing the results, students will learn how the allele frequency in the moth’s population is affected by environmental conditions. Students will also learn how the change in the moth’s environment was caused by human pollution.
Classifying Living Things – Students view a set of illustrated cards and use simple, dichotomous keys to determine the appropriate Kingdom and phylum for each individual organism. In the process of classifying the organisms, students will develop an understanding of each individual’s role in an ecosystem.
Seed Germination Set – Students obverse the germination of two types of dicot seeds (radish and pea) and two types of monocot seeds (barley and corn). They will observe the differences between the two types from seed to young plant.
Gibberellic Acid and Plants – Students study the effect the hormone gibberellic acid has on plant growth. Students place gibberellic acid solutions of varying concentrations on bean seedlings and observe and record the results. Students will also have the opportunity to design and conduct their own gibberellic acid experiments.
Drosophila Basics – Students will start by observing the physical differences between male and female fruit flies, as well as observing common mutations found in fruit flies. They will then work with live samples of the flies to complete a monohybrid cross between sepia fruit flies and wild type fruit flies.
ABO/Rh Simulated Blood Typing - This simulated blood typing kit allows the lifelike testing of blood types in the ABO system as well as for Rh factor. Students determine the blood type of four individuals. Actual medical blood-typing plates add to the realism. Once the data has been collected, students consider paternity and genetic questions about the four tested individuals.
Chemicals of Life - Give students their initial experience in the chemistry of living matter by having them identify the basic macromolecules of the cell. Students will learn and perform standard tests for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Mitosis Study Students will match key descriptions of the various phases of mitosis with specific drawings that represent these phases. Then, they will arrange the drawings and descriptions in the appropriate order to illustrate the entire cell cycle. In the second part of this investigation, students will grow their own onion root tips and follow a staining technique to observe cells under the microscope and find which ones appear to be in stages matching those in their set of mitosis drawings.
The Cell Cycle—Simulations of Chromosome Behaviors Students model the processes of meiosis and mitosis with materials included in this kit. Magnetic centromeres and pop bead arms allow students to build chromosome models that can be physically manipulated through the various stages of the cell cycle on a tabletop. This activity will allow your students to understand the process of meiosis and how it compares to mitosis.
Introductory Bacteria Students will culture bacteria in simple infusion cultures and then prepare slides to observe and identify the bacteria using a microscope. This hands-on activity will allow students to gain practical laboratory experience as they apply the classical Gram staining technique to identify Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Carbon Dioxide and Its Role in the Climate - Students carry out an investigation to create carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid and determine the presence of carbon dioxide using two methods: a precipitate reaction and pH universal indicator.
Human Activity and Carbon Emissions - Students investigate the three main sources of anthropogenic carbon emissions: combustion, land use/deforestation and cement production. They also develop a model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere and learn that matter, such as the C atoms in CO2, cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.
Oil-Eating Bacteria Students will investigate the use of oil-eating bacteria in bioremediation. They will start by creating mini oil slicks and oily beaches. Afterwards, they will apply the oil-eating bacteria to these oily surfaces to witness the action of the bacteria over time and further realize how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill.
Constructing Model Viruses Students construct two virus models using sturdy cardstock, and relate the shape, structure, and genome composition of viruses to their function. In addition, to make their models more realistic, they calculate the length of the genome (RNA or DNA) in each virus and scale it proportionally to the size of the model.
AIDS Testing Simulation Students conduct a simulation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test commonly used to detect the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in blood. This is a safe experiment that does not involve the use of any biological samples.
Characteristics of Protists Students begin with a detailed study of stained, prepared microscope slides of different protists organisms. Once students can recognize and describe the morphology and internal structures of each type of protist, they capture and analyze live specimens from aqueous cultures.
Yeast on the Job Students perform an investigation to explore some of the fundamental cell processes of yeast, a unicellular fungus. They will study what happens when yeast is placed in water with a source of energy (carbohydrates), with and without access to oxygen; and what happens when this fungus is placed in plain water, with and without access to oxygen.evol
Cholesterol Determination of Simulated Blood Students will test simulated blood of five different individuals before and after treatment for cholesterol. They will learn about normal and abnormal cholesterol levels, associated health risks, and the successes and failures of basic cholesterol-lowering treatments.
Kidney Function Model Students build a model of the nephron—the filtering unit of the kidney—and investigate its ability to filter various substances out of simulated blood and producing urine. The resulting “urine” is then tested for color, clarity, pH, salt crystals, and glucose. The results help students understand the role of the kidneys in maintaining chemical balance in the body, and how the analysis of urine can be used to diagnose certain health conditions.
How a Food Web is Formed Students learn how organisms are related in a food chain or web with this engaging game. Students view illustrations of more than 120 organisms, study their characteristics and determine “who eats whom” as they assemble a food chain from the organisms selected from a deck of special habitat cards. Eventually the food chain will develop into a complex food web as more organisms are selected. Once formed, the food web is analyzed and further studied.
Carbon Cycle Adventure Students follow a single carbon atom throughout the cycle. A simple roll of a specially designed colored die at each “carbon cycle station” determines the next step in the process: diffusing into water, being absorbed for photosynthesis or remaining in place. As they move from station to station, student awareness of the various mechanisms contributing to carbon’s movement increases. After traveling through the carbon cycle, students compare their experiences and conclude that no two adventures are alike.
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Students discover the key features that differentiate living things as prokaryotes or eukaryotes and how these features benefit their survival. Students observe and analyze four different samples of cell types on microscope slides. Then they sketch their observations and determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic based on physical features.
Make Your Own Cell Students design their own cell, gather internal cell structure materials, and then use an exclusive polymer to mold their own unique 3-D model of a cell. Making their own transparent cell models emphasizes the 3-D nature of a cell and help offset the flat cell image depicted when looking through a microscope
Lung Model Students construct their own working lung model with this hands-on set of materials. They will demonstrate for themselves how differential air pressure causes the transfer of air into and out of the lungs.
Animal Kingdom Students study the characteristics of eight different animal phyla, including three classes of arthropods and six chordate classes using this fun deck of cards. Three exciting and easy-to-play games in one! Students can play Classification Concentration, Don’t Get Hooked! or Go Fish!
Discover Life in the Soil Students collect a soil sample and extract the organisms living in the sample. Students will be fascinated to find what is living in the upper layer of soil on their school grounds or in their own neighborhood. Students examine the extracted organisms under magnification.
Sodium Alginate Photosynthesis Students trap a liquid inside a gelatinous sphere, making their own algae spheres. Students then expose the spheres to different conditions and measure the productivity of the algae inside. These spheres are permeable to gases, making them great for investigations.
Aerobic Respiration and Fermentation Made Easy Students grow yeast cells in fermentation tubes and observe the formation of metabolic by-products. Glucose test strips are used to measure the concentration of glucose (the food source) as it is consumed, and an indicator is added to detect changes in the oxygen concentration inside the tube. Students then graph the data to compare the rate of glucose consumption to the rate of carbon dioxide formation as the yeast culture grows.
DNA Isolation – Students gather cheek cell samples and then extract the DNA from the cells. They are then able to observe the extracted DNA.
Protein Synthesis – Students create models of mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes then use their models to recreate the process of translation. They must use the genetic code to determine the correct amino acid sequence of their protein.
Gene Expression in Bacteria - In this lab experience, students will experiment with temperature variances as an environmental factor that impacts gene expression in the bacteria Serratia marcescens. Students will also have the opportunity to test the antifungal properties of Serratia marcescens against a common fungus associated with food spoilage, Rhizopus stolonifer.
Understanding Evolutionary Relationships* – Students will become familiar with bioinformatics: the interdisciplinary field of science that integrates biology, computer science, software tools, databases, information engineering, mathematics, and statistics. They will explore the National Center for Biotechnology Information Website and utilize BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). The conservation of the enzyme cytochrome C and its presence in thirteen eukaryotic organisms will be determined.
*Please Note: This lab is fully digital. No physical kit is provided.
Natural Selection – Students model the process of natural selection by assuming the role of predatory birds capturing moths on a simulated dark background. After analyzing the results, students will learn how the allele frequency in the moth’s population is affected by environmental conditions. Students will also learn how the change in the moth’s environment was caused by human pollution.
Classifying Living Things – Students view a set of illustrated cards and use simple, dichotomous keys to determine the appropriate Kingdom and phylum for each individual organism. In the process of classifying the organisms, students will develop an understanding of each individual’s role in an ecosystem.
Seed Germination Set – Students obverse the germination of two types of dicot seeds (radish and pea) and two types of monocot seeds (barley and corn). They will observe the differences between the two types from seed to young plant.
Gibberellic Acid and Plants – Students study the effect the hormone gibberellic acid has on plant growth. Students place gibberellic acid solutions of varying concentrations on bean seedlings and observe and record the results. Students will also have the opportunity to design and conduct their own gibberellic acid experiments.
Drosophila Basics – Students will start by observing the physical differences between male and female fruit flies, as well as observing common mutations found in fruit flies. They will then work with live samples of the flies to complete a monohybrid cross between sepia fruit flies and wild type fruit flies.
ABO/Rh Simulated Blood Typing - This simulated blood typing kit allows the lifelike testing of blood types in the ABO system as well as for Rh factor. Students determine the blood type of four individuals. Actual medical blood-typing plates add to the realism. Once the data has been collected, students consider paternity and genetic questions about the four tested individuals.
Chemicals of Life - Give students their initial experience in the chemistry of living matter by having them identify the basic macromolecules of the cell. Students will learn and perform standard tests for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Mitosis Study Students will match key descriptions of the various phases of mitosis with specific drawings that represent these phases. Then, they will arrange the drawings and descriptions in the appropriate order to illustrate the entire cell cycle. In the second part of this investigation, students will grow their own onion root tips and follow a staining technique to observe cells under the microscope and find which ones appear to be in stages matching those in their set of mitosis drawings.
The Cell Cycle—Simulations of Chromosome Behaviors Students model the processes of meiosis and mitosis with materials included in this kit. Magnetic centromeres and pop bead arms allow students to build chromosome models that can be physically manipulated through the various stages of the cell cycle on a tabletop. This activity will allow your students to understand the process of meiosis and how it compares to mitosis.
Introductory Bacteria Students will culture bacteria in simple infusion cultures and then prepare slides to observe and identify the bacteria using a microscope. This hands-on activity will allow students to gain practical laboratory experience as they apply the classical Gram staining technique to identify Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Carbon Dioxide and Its Role in the Climate - Students carry out an investigation to create carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid and determine the presence of carbon dioxide using two methods: a precipitate reaction and pH universal indicator.
Human Activity and Carbon Emissions - Students investigate the three main sources of anthropogenic carbon emissions: combustion, land use/deforestation and cement production. They also develop a model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere and learn that matter, such as the C atoms in CO2, cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.
Oil-Eating Bacteria Students will investigate the use of oil-eating bacteria in bioremediation. They will start by creating mini oil slicks and oily beaches. Afterwards, they will apply the oil-eating bacteria to these oily surfaces to witness the action of the bacteria over time and further realize how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill.
Constructing Model Viruses Students construct two virus models using sturdy cardstock, and relate the shape, structure, and genome composition of viruses to their function. In addition, to make their models more realistic, they calculate the length of the genome (RNA or DNA) in each virus and scale it proportionally to the size of the model.
AIDS Testing Simulation Students conduct a simulation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test commonly used to detect the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in blood. This is a safe experiment that does not involve the use of any biological samples.
Characteristics of Protists Students begin with a detailed study of stained, prepared microscope slides of different protists organisms. Once students can recognize and describe the morphology and internal structures of each type of protist, they capture and analyze live specimens from aqueous cultures.
Yeast on the Job Students perform an investigation to explore some of the fundamental cell processes of yeast, a unicellular fungus. They will study what happens when yeast is placed in water with a source of energy (carbohydrates), with and without access to oxygen; and what happens when this fungus is placed in plain water, with and without access to oxygen.evol
Cholesterol Determination of Simulated Blood Students will test simulated blood of five different individuals before and after treatment for cholesterol. They will learn about normal and abnormal cholesterol levels, associated health risks, and the successes and failures of basic cholesterol-lowering treatments.
Kidney Function Model Students build a model of the nephron—the filtering unit of the kidney—and investigate its ability to filter various substances out of simulated blood and producing urine. The resulting “urine” is then tested for color, clarity, pH, salt crystals, and glucose. The results help students understand the role of the kidneys in maintaining chemical balance in the body, and how the analysis of urine can be used to diagnose certain health conditions.
How a Food Web is Formed Students learn how organisms are related in a food chain or web with this engaging game. Students view illustrations of more than 120 organisms, study their characteristics and determine “who eats whom” as they assemble a food chain from the organisms selected from a deck of special habitat cards. Eventually the food chain will develop into a complex food web as more organisms are selected. Once formed, the food web is analyzed and further studied.
Carbon Cycle Adventure Students follow a single carbon atom throughout the cycle. A simple roll of a specially designed colored die at each “carbon cycle station” determines the next step in the process: diffusing into water, being absorbed for photosynthesis or remaining in place. As they move from station to station, student awareness of the various mechanisms contributing to carbon’s movement increases. After traveling through the carbon cycle, students compare their experiences and conclude that no two adventures are alike.
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Students discover the key features that differentiate living things as prokaryotes or eukaryotes and how these features benefit their survival. Students observe and analyze four different samples of cell types on microscope slides. Then they sketch their observations and determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic based on physical features.
Make Your Own Cell Students design their own cell, gather internal cell structure materials, and then use an exclusive polymer to mold their own unique 3-D model of a cell. Making their own transparent cell models emphasizes the 3-D nature of a cell and help offset the flat cell image depicted when looking through a microscope
Lung Model Students construct their own working lung model with this hands-on set of materials. They will demonstrate for themselves how differential air pressure causes the transfer of air into and out of the lungs.
Animal Kingdom Students study the characteristics of eight different animal phyla, including three classes of arthropods and six chordate classes using this fun deck of cards. Three exciting and easy-to-play games in one! Students can play Classification Concentration, Don’t Get Hooked! or Go Fish!
Discover Life in the Soil Students collect a soil sample and extract the organisms living in the sample. Students will be fascinated to find what is living in the upper layer of soil on their school grounds or in their own neighborhood. Students examine the extracted organisms under magnification.
Sodium Alginate Photosynthesis Students trap a liquid inside a gelatinous sphere, making their own algae spheres. Students then expose the spheres to different conditions and measure the productivity of the algae inside. These spheres are permeable to gases, making them great for investigations.
Aerobic Respiration and Fermentation Made Easy Students grow yeast cells in fermentation tubes and observe the formation of metabolic by-products. Glucose test strips are used to measure the concentration of glucose (the food source) as it is consumed, and an indicator is added to detect changes in the oxygen concentration inside the tube. Students then graph the data to compare the rate of glucose consumption to the rate of carbon dioxide formation as the yeast culture grows.