Price: $1,675.00
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FLINNconnect™ is a new program that gives you instructional material aligned to a full year of high school chemistry along with customizable and downloadable laboratory instructions for 32 experiments. The instructional material covers 20 units and includes text, images, in-unit assessments, end-of-unit assessments, lab videos, concept videos, and animations. Units are factual, concise and interactive with content structured in ideal-sized chunks. Students can use the unit content at their own pace, based on their individual needs.
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FLINNconnect™ is a new program that gives you instructional material aligned to a full year of high school chemistry along with customizable and downloadable laboratory instructions for 32 experiments. The instructional material covers 20 units and includes text, images, in-unit assessments, end-of-unit assessments, lab videos, concept videos, and animations.
Each unit includes one to two questions that students explore by doing one of the program’s 32 labs. Each lab kit includes the consumable materials, chemicals, and special equipment needed to support 1-2 classrooms of 30 students working in groups of 3-4. You can choose to assign students a single unit or all of the units, and you can edit the content in the units to emphasize the topics you cover and deemphasize the ones you don’t. The units can be used as the primary reference material students use, as a supplement to a textbook, as a supplement to lesson plans you have already built, or as homework. You can view data on strengths and weaknesses by topic for individual students as well as an entire class.
The experiments have been carefully chosen based on how well they align to the main topics of chemistry and their engagement level. The labs will excite students at the same time they help them understand abstract ideas and the natural world. You can choose to do any single lab, or all of the labs, based on what best suits your curriculum and students.
The 20 units are:
The FlinnConnect Lab Kit Bundle gives you 32 lab kits that include the consumable materials, chemicals, and special equipment needed to perform all of the 32 experiments with a group of 30 students working in groups of 3-4. Also included is the FREE Digital Courseware (Catalog No. EL0100). The kits include enough materials to perform each experiment 1 to 2 times. You can download student instructions for each lab, customize the lab instructions, and save any edits you make to the labs for later use. Each set of lab instructions includes teacher pages with real data, tips for successful implementation, and safety and disposal instructions. The labs have been carefully chosen based on how well they align to the main topics of chemistry and their engagement level. The labs will excite students at the same time they help them understand abstract ideas and the natural world. Below is a list of the 32 labs along with a short description of each.
Measurement and Accuracy - Students add and remove different amounts of colored solutions from a series of demonstration tubes. They analyze their results to determine the accuracy of measurements and whether they closely followed the lab instructions.
Problem Solving on the Wildlife Refuge - Introduction to Unit Factoring - Students develop the habit of using proper problem-solving techniques as they use specially-designed wildlife ratio cards to solve a set of puzzles and determine how many animals of a particular species are on the refuge. Six different puzzles present challenges of varying levels.
Atomic Target Practice - Rutherford Scattering and the Nuclear Atom - Rutherford’s discovery of the nucleus has been described as a “black box” experiment. In order to solve the structure of the atom, Rutherford had to “unlock” the box. Rutherford shot alpha particles at atoms in a piece of gold foil and observed the scattering angles. In this activity, students confront a similar problem by shooting marbles at an unknown, unseen object. By tracing the apparent path a marble takes after striking the unseen target from a variety of angles, students can estimate the general size and shape of the target.
Flame Test - Students observe the characteristic color of light emitted by metallic salts when placed in a flame. Students use their observations to understand the idea that electrons occupy restricted energy levels in atoms.
Develop a Periodic Table - Students are challenged to design and develop their own periodic table by grouping objects according to their properties. They must also arrange special element cards into the proper order based on the information given on the cards.
Periodic Activity of Metals - The reactions of alkali and alkaline earth metals with water can be spectacular reactions. Introduce the study of the periodic table and periodic trends with this exciting, but safe, small-scale demonstration of the activity of metals. Learn how elements are classified based on similarities, differences and trends in their properties, including their chemical reactions. Kit includes small, pre-cut demonstration pieces of lithium and sodium, along with magnesium ribbon and calcium turnings. Display the metals in provided Petri dishes to observe their physical properties, including color, luster, hardness and malleability, then react the metals one at a time with water. Compare the activity of each metal against the previous one to identify the periodic trends in the activity of metals.
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures - Students are guided to classify different types of matter - elements, compounds and mixtures - and to determine whether these types of matter can be broken down or combined to make something new.
Qualitative Analysis and Chemical Bonding - Students identify a group of unknown solids based on the systematic testing of their physical and chemical properties. Students analyze data to understand how a material’s structure and the forces of attraction between its particles influence its properties.
Chemical Names and Formulas - Students name and write chemical formulas of ionic compounds and then carry out a chemical reaction to make a solid precipitate in order to understand why cations and anions combine in discrete, whole-number ratios to form stable compounds.
Lewis Electron Dot Models - This innovative kit utilizes “electron” chips and cut-out element symbols to build Lewis electron dot models for both atoms and molecules. Students are able to count and manipulate the electron “chips” for a variety of molecular structures and then draw the structures in the provided data tables. Detailed instructions guide students through the determination of valence electrons and the drawing of Lewis electron dot structures.
Molecular Geometry, Bonding and Balloons - Use balloons to build amazing models of molecular shapes. Make a tetrahedron, an octagon or even a trigonal bipyramid. Simply tie balloons together with our specially designed multiple balloon-holder to help students visualize the shapes of molecules and sketch their three-dimensional structures. Comprehensive instructions guide you through the process to construct every kind of molecular geometry predicted using VSEPR theory. The models are very quickly interchanged so that all structures can be covered. The holder and balloons may also be used to illustrate hybrid orbitals and even sigma versus pi bonding in organic compounds.
Crystal Structures - How are atoms arranged in a metallic solid and in an ionic compound? Are the arrangements of atoms random or is there a “system” to it with regular “repeating units? In this two-part lab, students will build models of the three cubic crystal lattice structures and the closest-packed arrangements using polystyrene foam spheres and wire connectors. Students then analyze the models to determine the total number of atoms or ions in each unit cell.
Carbon Snake - Students observe a dramatic chemical reaction that includes the decomposition of sugar and sodium carbonate to produce a black, “carbon snake.” The reaction is a great way to introduce chemical versus physical changes, exothermic reactions, conservation of matter, and chemical reactions generally.
Introduction to Chemical Reactions - Students classify reactions into five basic categories—synthesis reactions, decomposition reactions, single replacement reactions, double replacement reactions and combustion reactions. Students also practice balancing reactions.
Preparation of Solutions - Students prepare multiple aqueous solutions using volumetric glassware to understand solution preparation techniques and what molarity is and how it is used to differentiate between concentrated and dilute solutions.
Describe Small-Scale Matter Using the Mole - Students perform a series of exercises to conceptualize just how big a chemical “mole” is and then they carry out an investigation that highlights why the “counting by weighing” method enabled by the mole is so important when working on very small scales.
Exploring Stoichiometry - Students analyze the stoichiometric relationships in chemical reactions, practice limiting and excess reactant calculations and reactions, and analyze the volume of gas produced in a chemical reaction.
Energy Densities of Organic Fuels - Students determine how much energy is released when an object burns to measure the heat flow from the object to its surroundings. They must use and understand the concept of calorimetry to investigate the caloric contents of organic fuels.
Relationships Between Gas Variables - Students carry out an investigation to determine how gas pressure is related to gas volume and how gas temperature is related to gas volume.
The Ideal Gas Law - Students carry out an investigation to determine an experimental value for the ideal gas constant, R.
Reaction Rates: Iodine Clock - Students carry out an investigation to determine how the rate of the iodine clock reaction is affected by the concentration of reactants involved.
Explore Chemical Equilibrium - Students carry out an investigation to observe changes in equilibrium when the amount of reactants and temperature are changed.
Applications of LeChatelier’s Principle - Students investigate four different chemical reactions to gain a deeper understanding of equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle. They apply deliberate stresses on these systems to cause their equilibria to shift.
Measure Acid Strength- Students prepare equimolar solutions of weak acids and measure their pH values to rank the acids in order of increasing strength. Students come to understand that the weak acid with the lowest pH is relatively the strongest acid, and the position of its equilibrium lies farthest to the right.
Titrations - the Study of Acid-Base Chemistry - Students standardize a sodium hydroxide solution and perform a weak acid–strong base titration to determine the concentration of an unknown vinegar sample.
Ornament Making - This kit reinforces redox concepts while students have fun! Students start with a simple piece of galvanized iron and transform it, using redox reactions, into their own work of art.
Dying with Indigo - Introduce the color and excitement of organic chemistry to your students! Watch as a bright yellow dye is oxidized by air to a rich blue color—right before your students’ eyes. Indigo, the organic dye used in this lab, was used by the Romans and is still used today to dye fabrics, such as blue jeans. Discuss the chemistry of fibers and fabrics using the included fabric swatches. Each swatch contains six different fibers so dyeing-capability comparisons can be made. This activity can also be used in consumer science and to teach the importance of chemistry in history.
Ester Synthesis - Students carry out the syntheses of four esters to familiarize themselves with organic synthetic techniques, organic structures, and representative reactions in organic chemistry.
Half-Life Simulation - Students model the process of radioactive decay by studying the “decay curves” for a variety of multi-sided dice. Radioactive decay is a spontaneous and completely random process. The probability that a specific atom will decay after a certain period of time can be simulated by studying the random process of rolling dice. Students are given a set of dice, ranging from 4-sided to 20-sided dice, along with a number designated as the “decay” number. Students then conduct a series of dice rolls, each time recording the number of decayed dice. The “half-life” is then determined by graphing the number of dice remaining after each roll of the dice. The variety of dice allows students to simulate a wide range of half-lives, from very long to extremely short.
Battery Challenge - Students carry out an investigation to determine which combinations of metals and their aqueous solutions produce the highest voltage. Students determine the battery that produces the highest voltage.
Carbon Dioxide and Its Role in the Climate - Students carry out an investigation to create carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid and determine the presence of carbon dioxide using two methods: a precipitate reaction and pH universal indicator.
Human Activity and Carbon Emissions - Students investigate the three main sources of anthropogenic carbon emissions: combustion, land use/deforestation and cement production. They also develop a model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere and learn that matter, such as the C atoms in CO2, cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.