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Item #: ML1441 

Price: $405.80

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The invertebrate zoology microscope slide sets include the most important representatives of the protozoa, sponges, coelenterata, vermes, arthropoda, insecta, mollusca, echinodermata and acrania phyla.

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Item# ML1440 ML1441
Type General Set Supplementary Set
Price $299.00 $405.80
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The invertebrate zoology microscope slide sets include the most important representatives of the protozoa, sponges, coelenterata, vermes, arthropoda, insecta, mollusca, echinodermata and acrania phyla. Slide sets include a full-color brochure with corresponding pictures.


Invertebrate Zoology Supplementary Slide Set includes 50 microscope slides:
Actinia, sea anemone, t.s. young specimen
Apis mellifica, honey bee, abdomen of worker t.s.
Apis mellifica, honey bee, anterior leg with eye brush w.m.
Apis mellifica, honey bee, cornea from eye w.m.
Apis mellifica, honey bee, head with compound eyes and brain t.s.
Apis mellifica, honey bee, posterior leg with pollen basket w.m.
Apis mellifica, honey bee, sting with poison sac w.m.
Ascaris, roundworm, t.s. of female in region of gonads
Ascaris, roundworm, t.s. of male in region of gonads
Astacus, crayfish, gills t.s.
Astacus, crayfish, intestine t.s.
Astacus, crayfish, liver t.s.
Astacus, crayfish, ovary t.s. showing developing ova
Astacus, crayfish, testis t.s. showing spermatogenesis
Asterias, starfish, horizontal section of young specimen
Bombyx mori, silkworm, t.s. of caterpillar, spinning glands
Branchiostoma lanceolatum, t.s. of body with ovaries
Branchiostoma lanceolatum, t.s. of body with testis
Carabus, ground beetle, biting mouth parts w.m.
Ceratium, dinoflagellates from plankton
Chironomus, gnat, larva w.m.
Ctenocephalus, dog flea, w.m. of adult
Culex pipiens, common mosquito, piercing-sucking mouth parts w.m.
Culex pipiens, common mosquito, t.s. of abdomen
Dermanyssus gallinae, chicken mite w.m.
Eimeria stiedae, in t.s. of rabbit liver with parasites in situ
Fasciola hepatica, beef liver fluke, t.s. of body
Fasciola hepatica, ova w.m.
Foraminifera, strewn slide of mixed species
Helix, snail, eye l.s.
Helix, snail, hermaphrodite gland (ovotestis) t.s.
Helix, snail, liver t.s.
Hydra, t.s. of body showing ectoderm and entoderm
Lumbricus, earthworm, l.s. of anterior region with gonads
Lumbricus, earthworm, sperm smear with developing spermatozoa
Melolontha, cockchafer, antenna w.m.
Mya arenaria, clam, gills t.s. and l.s.
Obelia hydroid, w.m. of colony, hydrants and gonothecae
Obelia medusa, jellyfish. w.m. for general study
Pieris, butterfly, head and mouth parts (sucking tube) w.m.
Pieris, butterfly, portion of wing with scales w.m.
Plasmodium, malaria parasite, blood smear
Psammechinus, sea urchin, pluteus larva w.m.
Radiolaria, strewn slide of mixed species
Sagitta, arrow worm, entire specimen w.m.
• Spider, abdomen with internal organs l.s.
Spongilla, fresh water sponge, gemmulae (winter bodies)
Trypanosoma, causing sleeping disease, blood smear
Vespa, wasp, biting mouth parts w.m.