For Thanksgiving, families and friends gather to consume turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and more! What are the nutrients in our food? How is food made? And how do we digest the food we eat? Also, take a closer look at a Thanksgiving favorite, cranberries, in this month’s infographic. This fascinating berry is acidic, high in pectin, and floats when wet harvested. Have fun exploring the science behind food with these freebies, videos, and kits!
Digestion Connection - Flinn STEM Design Challenge™
Digestion Connection Flinn STEM Design Challenge™ Kit for biology and life science aids in discovering the inner workings of the stomach and its digestive capabilities.
360Science™: Acidity of Beverages
Students determine the citric acid concentration in their drink sample and graph a titration curve for their titration.
Analyzin Calcium in Milk - General Organic and Biological Chemistry Kit
Analyzing Calcium in Milk is an excellent activity to "bone-up" on calcium properties and titration skills. Explore the chemistry behind the nutrition.
Nails for Breakfast?
Most people know that breakfast cereals are fortified with iron and other essential minerals and vitamins. What they don't know is that in some cases the iron is actually added in the form of metallic, elemental iron-nails for breakfast!
Sodium Alginate
The enormous size of polymer molecules and their flexible, chain-like structures give polymers unique and useful properties. Sodium alginate, a natural polymer obtained from kelp and seawee, is an important food additive.
Everyone Scream for Ice Cream
Everyone loves ice cream! Take an in-school field trip to the cafeteria, gym or even outside, and discover the scientific principles that are important in making our favorite summertime dessert.
If you have 10 minutes...
If you have an entire class period...
If you have more time...