Flinn staff scientist Dr. Alan Downward shares his trip to New Zealand’s South Island and view of the skies above the Mt. John Observatory.
Lunar Phases
Student Activity Kit
Lunar Phases Classroom Activity Kit for astronomy and space science is an activity that uses a durable lunar orbit map to chart the movement and visibility of the moon.
360Science™: Sunlight Intensity
and Solar Flares
In this lab experience, students observe how the energy collected by a solar panel changes as sunlight intensity changes.
360Science™: Elemental
Composition of Stars
In this lab experience, students will observe the emission spectra of several different elements. They will then draw on that experience to think about stellar spectroscopy and the information it can provide about our place in the universe.
The Orbiter Planetarium, Manual
With the Manual Orbiter Planetarium for astronomy and space science, demonstrate the relationship between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon without draining your budget. Hand operated working model.
Moon Phaser, Lunar Cycle Model
Moon Phaser and Lunar Cycle Model for astronomy and space science demonstrates lunar phases in a memorable way. Recreate the lunar cycle with this hands-on model.
Celestial Star Globe, Basic
The Basic Celestial Star Globe for astronomy and space science illustrates the relationship between Earth and the stars, planets, galaxies and other celestial objects in the universe.