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All-In-One Science Solution
Your Safer Source for Science
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Cake, muffins, cookies and more… . Some recipes call for baking soda, some call for baking powder and some call for both! Have you ever wondered what they do and why are they so essential to baked goods?

Tune into the latest episode of Science is Everywhere to learn from Flinn scientist Jonnathan Medina Ramos, PhD and Savannah Stanley as they discuss the science behind baked goods!

The Chef
Chemical Demonstration Kit
The Chef Chemical Demonstration Kit is an exciting way to liven up your lesson plan on thermodynamics. Students use an egg and “specially formulated” Flinn calcium oxide to illustrate an exothermic reaction.

Food Analysis Mystery
Forensic Laboratory Kit
With the Mystery Food Analysis Forensics Laboratory Kit, learn chemical test procedures for common foods in the context of a murder mystery.

Chemistry of Food Additives
Demonstration Kit

The Chemistry of Food Additives Chemical
Demonstration Kit consists of four parts and lets
students see the science behind some marketing
of convenience foods. This great series will build
connections between science and real life.

360Science™: Food Analysis
Students carry out an investigation to detect differences in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) levels in citrus fruit using volume metric analysis. They will investigate ascorbic acid as a water soluble and a reducing agent. In this lab, students use an indicator solution (dichloroindophenol) to test for vitamin C.

Decomposition of Baking Soda
Due to the widespread use of sodium bicarbonate (commonly called baking soda) in many food products, the thermal decomposition reaction has been studied extensively by food chemists. Baking soda is used to prepare cakes in order to ensure that cakes “rise” as they bake.

Iron in Cereal
Many breakfast cereals are iron fortified; they contain iron as well as many other essential vitamins and minerals. Most people would assume that the iron is in a soluble ionic form and not in its elemental state. This easy demonstration will show that surprisingly, iron is in its elemental state.