Price: $2,425.00
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Student access for one year to a standards-based, web-based virtual modeling STEM application. Students are guided through an engaging, realistic design development process resulting in virtual simulations and competitions with other students throughout their class or district. The software even provides instructions on how to build a real model, allowing students to go one step further by creating actual physical representations of their virtual designs. Includes a fully integrated teacher LMS control center.
Item# | AP9815 | AP9814 | AP9798 | AP9793 | AP9799 | AP9797 |
1-Year Access For | 25 Students | 25 Students | 50 Students | 50 Students | 100 Students | 100 Students |
Grade Level | High School | Middle School | High School | Middle School | High School | Middle School |
Includes | Digital Content + Materials | Digital Content + Materials | Digital Content + Materials | Digital Content + Materials | Digital Content + Materials | Digital Content + Materials |
Price | $780.00 | $794.45 | $1,350.00 | $1,401.00 | $2,418.75 | $2,425.00 |
Enter number of items |
Using the custom, built-in CAD system of WhiteBox Learning, students develop 3D models in minutes. The simplicity of the modeling process puts focus where it belongs—on learning the critically important science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts that live just below the surface. After designing and analyzing in the web-based design software, student connect the virtual to the physical by printing custom templates that can be used to build physical representations of their designs.
The WhiteBox Learning Process
Begins with Research! In the research section, students begin by exploring all the theory and concept background they will need to proceed with the activity. This section includes background text with plenty of interactive activities, tools and tutorials to ensure students are well prepared for the remaining sections. Next, students move on to the Design section. Engineers combine scientific concepts and theories with reality using tools to visualize their designs in 3D. In this section, students use the custom, built-in CAD system to create 3D models on screen and quickly choose between a variety of components to improve their designs. Then, in the Analysis section, students work with a number of built-in tools to see how well their designs stand up to the scientific principles explored in the Research section. Creating the models is fun and exciting, but won’t mean much if not supported by science.
Then it’s finally time to compete in the Monster Truck Rally Competition! In this competition portion of the activity, students see how their designs measure up against each other by running up to six trucks over their bridge designs—each time getting heavier and heavier—until the bridge fails. After completing their design and applying any improvements, the Outputs section creates a drawing for a physical build of the bridge structures. Drawings, print templates, stress design specifications and bill of materials reports can be found in this section. Now that students have conquered the virtual world, it’s time to Build and Test the bridge structures in the physical world. Using the included materials, students use the instructions and tips in this section to build a physical representation of their design.
The Benefits of WhiteBox Learning
Free software trial available! Contact Flinn Scientific for details.
ISBN: 978-1-933709-78-9