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360Storylines—Batteries, 1-Year Access

By: The Flinn Scientific Staff

Item #: AP11009 

Price: $287.46

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Use the 4 labs in this 360Storyline to lead students to a written understanding/working model of batteries.


Key Concepts

  • Oxidation–Reduction Reactions
  • Activity Series of Metals
  • Balancing Redox Reactions
  • Voltaic Cells

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Product Details

360Storyline is a collection of experiments that together let students engage in science in an authentic manner through the use of relevant phenomena. Each experiment in a 360Storyline builds on things learned in the preceding experiments until students develop a final, working explanation or model of the phenomenon. Every lab in any 360Storyline is completely editable and supported by videos and simulations. 


  • Access to digital content for 1 year
  • Lab supplies for each experiment for a single class of 30 students

Lead students to a written understanding/working model of batteries. As part of this storyline, students build their very own batteries from a few simple, inexpensive materials. In doing so, they gain an intimate understanding of the scientific principles, such as redox reactions, that make a battery work. Moreover, students come to understand that a voltaic cell is a battery so it must contain an anode, a cathode and a medium through which charge can travel (i.e., a salt bridge). Students will leave this storyline with the ability to examine technologies, such as electric cars, in the natural world and formulate perspectives on the long-term viability of those technologies.

What Students Do

Lab 1—Explore Iron Corrosion
Students explore how iron corrosion occurs and how this concept is related to oxidation states of atoms. Students learn that corrosion of iron, better known as rusting, is a process that transfers electrons and destroys iron objects left out in moist air. The corrosion of several iron nails will be subjected to conditions in an indicator agar mixture that promote or prevent the corrosion of iron.

Lab 2—Metal Activity
Using well plates and small quantities of metal ion solutions and metal samples, students carry out a series of possible single replacement reactions of metals with solutions of metal cations in order to determine the activity series of the metals.

Lab 3—Build a Micro Battery
Students build a micro battery from a few simple materials: an LED, two filter papers and two small pieces of metal. Students explore this small voltaic cell and learn that a voltaic cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy to electrical energy by a thermodynamically favored reaction.

Lab 4—Battery Challenge
Students use reaction well plates, small quantities of metals and metal cation solutions, filter papers and voltmeters to build various voltaic cells (batteries) with different voltage outputs. They are challenged to find the best materials to build a battery with the highest voltage output. Students design, build and refine their batteries and then compare their voltages with the class.

Students must drive the learning forward by developing procedures and asking questions. Each storyline is supported by editable documents that force students to think about how the data they collect relate to an individual experiment’s investigative phenomenon and how the data they collect in a series of labs relate to a broader, anchoring phenomenon. Each storyline provides access to one year of digital content and hands-on materials for each lab. 


1-Year Access

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations and designing solutions

Disciplinary Core Ideas

HS-PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
HS-PS1.B: Chemical Reactions
HS-PS3.A: Definitions of Energy
HS-PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes
HS-ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem

Crosscutting Concepts

Energy and Matter in Systems

Performance Expectations

HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
HS-PS1-7: Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
HS-PS3-3: Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.