Your Safer Source for Science
All-In-One Science Solution
Your Safer Source for Science
Address P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510
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Item #: AP7788 

Price: $23.15

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With the Catapult for physical science and physics, integrate science and math to solidify engineering practices while also studying simple machines, forces, and the difference between accuracy and precision.

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Product Details

Before the trebuchet, there was the catapult! Where a trebuchet uses gravity and counterweights to provide propulsion, a traditional catapult uses the mechanical advantage of a lever and tension forces. Integrate science and math to solidify engineering practices while also studying simple machines, forces, and the difference between accuracy and precision. Answer questions such as “How does force affect the motion of a projectile?” and “What is the optimum angle for launching a projectile the farthest distance?” 6" H x 5" W. Basic assembly required.