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Item #: FB2465 

Price: $301.00

Ships directly from the manufacturer.

iTaq DNA polymerase is an antibody-mediated hot-start DNA polymerase suitable for both conventional and real-time PCR applications that ensures ease of use and high specificity and sensitivity.

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Product Details

Bio-Rad Item No.: 1708870EDU


Bio-Rad's reagents are specially formulated to meet both conventional and real-time PCR requirements with minimal need for optimization. All reagents are qualified for use on Bio-Rad's complete line of thermal cyclers and real-time PCR detection systems, and demonstrate high performance for cDNA, genomic DNA, and plasmid DNA amplification over a wide dynamic range.

iTaq™ DNA Polymerase

iTaq DNA polymerase is an antibody-mediated hot-start DNA polymerase suitable for both conventional and real-time PCR applications that ensures ease of use and high specificity and sensitivity.

2x Master Mix for PCR

Bio-Rad's 2x master mix for PCR is a concentrated solution of Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, and all the components required for PCR, except the DNA template and primers. This premixed formulation saves time and reduces contamination by reducing the number of pipetting steps required for PCR setup. The mix is optimized for efficient and reproducible PCR.

The absence of endodeoxyribonucleases, exodeoxyribonucleases, and ribonucleases is confirmed by appropriate quality tests. The master mix is functionally tested in amplification of a single-copy gene from human genomic DNA.

dNTP Mix

This dNTP mix is formulated for optimal performance in real-time PCR applications and is also qualified for use in conventional PCR applications. It provides consistent, high-yield amplification.

SYBR® Green Supermix

iQ™ SYBR Green supermix is formulated for optimal results in real-time PCR based on SYBR Green I detection. It contains SYBR Green I dye, hot-start iTaq DNA polymerase, optimized buffer, and dNTPs qualified for quantitative PCR. Alternately, Bio-Rad's iScript™ one-step RT-PCR kit with SYBR Green allows cDNA synthesis and PCR to be conveniently carried out in the same tube.