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360Science™: Environmental Effects on Mitosis, 3-Year Access

By: The Flinn Scientific Staff

Item #: AP10762 

Price: $89.66

In Stock.

360Science™ blends the best of student-engaging digital content with easily adaptable hands-on labs to offer your students a uniquely comprehensive learning experience.

In this lab experience, students carry out an investigation on how the addition of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid, IAA, impacts the rate of mitosis in an onion plant root. They will get the opportunity to compare onion roots grown with and without this additional IAA hormone. Students will perform a chi-squared analysis on the class results. Editable, differentiated instructions range from a time-sensitive prescriptive lab to full open inquiry, and robust online videos and content—including a virtual reality (VR) simulation—help students prepare for and better understand the labs they’re conducting.

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Item# AP10662 AP10762
Digital Access 1 Year 3 Year
Price $74.30 $89.66
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Product Details

360Science™: Environmental Effects on Mitosis
Biotic and abiotic factors, cell cycle, plant hormones, chi-square analysis 
Outcomes: The students will conclude that environmental factors can impact cell growth. They will discover that the onion roots grown with additional IAA will spend more time in mitosis when compared to the onion roots grown without additional IAA.
Associated Phenomena: Farm to Table 

Our 1-year option provides access to all digital content for one year plus lab supplies for a single class of 30 students. Our 3-year option extends access to digital content to three years, with a 30% discount on refill supply kits years 2 and 3.

What is Flinn 360Science™?
We’re introducing a whole new way to teach experiential science! We’ve taken a hard look at science study from all perspectives and, thanks to the feedback of thousands of teachers nationwide, we’ve created a way to make it easier to provide personalized instruction while delivering the kind of lab experiences your students truly need.

Our new and comprehensive learning solutions are designed to bring science to life by giving you all the tools you need to incorporate more (and effective) hands-on learning in your classroom or lab. 360Science allows you to provide your students with the support they need to make real-world connections to key scientific principles and help make those abstract concepts concrete.

Every 360Science lab solves the most common challenges educators face in bringing more hands-on science to their students—from not having enough time to matching the right level of challenge for students’ abilities to providing appropriate background content, safety techniques, assessments and more.

Enable student-driven, blended learning through a unique combination of leveled lab instructions supporting prescriptive, guided- and open-inquiry lab exercises (see PDF resource for specific details) with robust digital content, such as videos and carefully curated Open Educational Resources (OER)—along with virtual reality and simulation exercises. From editable, digital instructions to assessments and alignment with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we have everything you need to improve mastery, remove the intimidation factor and foster your students’ natural curiosity.


3-Year Access

Materials Included in Kit:
Carbol fuchsin stain solution, 100 mL
Carnoy’s plant fixative, 50 mL
Ethyl alcohol, 95%, 100 mL
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, 1 M, 100 mL
Indole-3-acetic acid, IAA, 10 mg
Cover slips, 100
Cups, plastic, 5 oz, 15
Glass slides, box of 72, 2
Pipets, disposable, 40
Sand, 2 kg
Spot plates, 8

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Developing and using models

Disciplinary Core Ideas

HS-LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models

Performance Expectations

HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.